Akrur Ji Temple, Vrindavan - Vrindavan

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Contact Akrur Ji Temple, Vrindavan

Address :

Shri Akrur Mandir, Temple Rd, Shri Radha Puram, Vatsalya Gram, Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh 281121, India

Postal code : 281121
Categories :

Shri Akrur Mandir, Temple Rd, Shri Radha Puram, Vatsalya Gram, Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh 281121, India
Kamalalochan_rg Das on Google

Very important place. Akrura had a vision of Krishna and balaram in the pond. Krishna never leaves vrindavan. Akrura took vasudev Krishna to mathura. Vrajendra nandana Krishna State Bank in vrindavan in unmanifest form
V K on Google

First of all my prayers in lotus feet of Lord of Lords, Lord Krishna. I was blessed to get a chance by krishna while in Vrindavan to actually witness this divine place with my naked eyes. Let me begin with the story from Srimad Bhagwatam from chapter 10. Kamsa the maternal uncle of Krishna decides and planned to kill Krishna by calling him to Mathura to attend a grand festival which involved fighting of wrestlers and elephants. He nominated Akrur ji the brother to Nanda Maharaj to bring Krishna and Balaram to Mathura so that he can get them killed by his wrestlers. In order to do this task Akrur ji set on a journey to Nanda Maharaja and during the whole time of journey he was remembering Krishna and when he reached to Nanda Maharaja he was welcomed and great courtesy was extended. With much pain in heart he discussed the matter of his visit. Once Yashoda Mata came to know she was completely taken aback and was in great pain but after much convincing he succeeded. Throughout he felt so happy and priveledge that Lord himself gave him this opportunity. While they were crossing Vrindavan it was sunset time when Akrur ji stopped the chariot under a tree and requested Lord for the permission to perform his evening puja to Sun after taking a dip in The Holy river. Lord agreed and both krishna and Balaram kept sitting on the chariot. When Akrur ji took the dip, much to his astonishment he saw inside water Lord Narayana on Sesa Naga sorrounded by Shiva, Brahma and all other Gods and goddess, he was completely bamboozled and he immidiately brought his head out and saw krishna and Balaram sitting on the chariot . Again he took a dip and he saw that again. Thus he was able to have darshan of Lord Krishna as Narayan and Balaram as Sesa Naga inside the holy Yamuna ji. He offered his prayers and sang various stutis to offer his prayers to Krishna. Yes this is the same place, same Ghat where this temple is built now. Trust me just by being there one gets lot of piety and purity. Inside the temple there is 550 years old Vata tree under which Chaitanya Mahaprabhu sat first in Vrindavan and meditated on Lord and a vrinda devi gave him the Darshan and blessings and that tree is still there. Just next to the tree is Panchmukhi hanuman ji Mandir which was found below this tree during an excavation. Truly speaking don't miss this place. Just keep in mind that coming by your own vehicle is advisable or keep an auto or taxi reserved as it is in village area and is very remote. Jai Shree Radhey Krishna.
Anil Kumar on Google

I always come to Akrur ji temple whenever i visit Vrindavan .
#Vishu_pandit_zone on Google

Very Nice Temple
Awadhesh Gupta on Google

It is temple of Akrurji which was uncle of Krishna Bhagwan and kul of barah saini was in the name of Akrurji.
Krsna Katha on Google

"Śrī Kṛṣṇa and Baladeva were seated on Akrūra’s chariot as Akrūra was bringing Them from Nandagaon to Mathurā. Akrūra stopped the chariot at this place and, leaving Kṛṣṇa and Baladeva on it, went alone to bathe in a deep pool in the Yamunā and perform his other regular morning duties. Akrūra remained in the water to chant the mantra of his worshipful Lord, Sanātana Brahma (four-armed Viṣṇu), and meditate upon Him. On this day, however, instead of having darśana of his worshipful Sanātana Brahma in his meditation, he saw the forms of Śrī Rāma and Śrī Kṛṣṇa. Akrūra became confused. He came out of the water, and looked towards the chariot, where he saw Rāma and Kṛṣṇa sitting. Again, when he went into the water, dipped in it and he saw Them there also. He was now fully confident that Śrī Rāma and Śrī Kṛṣṇa were truly the complete Sanātana Brahma. The Gauḍīya gosvāmīs have given an excellent philosophical conclusion in explanation of this incident. Nanda-nandana Śrī Kṛṣṇa and Rohiṇī-nandana Śrī Rāma never leave Vṛndāvana to go elsewhere. Therefore, Nanda-nandana Śrī Kṛṣṇa and Rohiṇī-nandana Śrī Rāma only came with Akrūra as far as Akrūra-ghāṭa, which marks the line of demarcation between Mathurā and Vṛndāvana. Thereafter, They both remained in Vṛndāvana in Their unmanifest (aprakaṭa) forms. It was Devakī-nandana or Vasudeva-nandana Śrī Balarāma, and Devakī-nandana or Vasudeva-nandana Śrī Kṛṣṇa, that travelled on the chariot with Akrūra from Akrūra-ghāṭa to Mathurā and performed pastimes there. According to tattva, Yaśodā-nandana and Devakī-nandana are actually one, but from the viewpoint of rasa there is a difference between Them. Once, Nanda Bābā was observing Ekādaśī without even drinking water. That very night also saw the start of Dvādaśī. Nanda Bābā entered the water of the Yamunā to take bath but, because on that day this was an inauspicious time the servants of Varuṇadeva captured him and brought him to Varuṇaloka. Bhagavān Śrī Kṛṣṇa went to Varuṇaloka, where Śrī Varuṇadeva worshipped Him with gifts, and returned Śrī Nanda Bābā to Him with honour. This incident surprised Śrī Nanda Bābā, who narrated it to the Vrajavāsīs the next day. They requested Śrī Kṛṣṇa to give them darśana of His supreme abode. At that very place where the most merciful Bhagavān later gave Akrūra darśana of his worshipful deity, He now gave the Vrajavāsīs darśana of His eternal Brahmaloka. Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (10.28.14, 16) describes this as follows: iti sañcintya bhagavān mahā-kārūṇiko hariḥ... “Considering the thoughts of the cowherd men, the all-merciful Bhagavān Śrī Hari showed them His own abode, which is beyond material darkness. They were brought to Brahma-hrada, submerged into the water by Kṛṣṇa and then lifted out. From that very place where Akrūra beheld his worshipful deity, the cowherd men had darśana of Kṛṣṇa’s transcendental abode.” Millions of sacred places (tīrthas) are present at Akrūra-ghāṭa. There is a sacred injunction to take a bath here at the time of a solar eclipse. When Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu came to Vṛndāvana from Jagannātha Purī via the Jhārakhaṇḍa path, there was no settlement in Vṛndāvana, only a deep forest. At night, Mahāprabhu would reside at Akrūra-ghāṭa, and at dawn He would sit at Imlītalā-ghāṭa on the bank of the Yamunā in Vṛndāvana. Being overwhelmed with prema, Mahāprabhu would chant harināma there until the afternoon. An uninterrupted stream of tears flowed from His eyes, and brightly shining aṣṭa-sāttvika transformations were evident on the limbs of His body. Śrī Balabhadra Bhaṭṭācārya was the only person with Him at that time. Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta’s narration of this melts the heart. In ancient times, Śānta Ṛṣi performed a sacrifice for King Bṛhadsena here. Another name of Akrūra-ghāṭa is Brahma-hrada, because here Kṛṣṇa gave the cowherd men darśana of Brahma-dhāma. Akrūra also received darśana of the complete Sanātana Brahma here." From 'Sri Vraja-mandal Parikrama' by Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja
Sujay Krishna Das on Google

Shree Akrur with Krishna and Balaram gopi nath temple. .. Akrur ghat is one of the bathing ghat at Vrindavan at Mathura district . This is the place where Lord Krishna and lord Balarama are believed to have revealed their from of Lord vishnu and Seha naga to Akrur Akrura was cheif of the Yadavs an aceient people of india and a descendants of the Vrishni kula clan . He is worshipped as Shrii Akrur ji maharaj. Akrur married Sutanu, who was the daughter of Ahuka and with her had two sons, Devaka and Updevaka.
Kailash Mishra on Google

Akrur ji temple in Mathura contains deities of Krishna Balaram and Akrur ji , At the order of Kamsa Akrur brought both of them from Nandgaon to Mathura, Both Krishna and Balaram sat near a banayan tree and Akrur ji went to Yamuna that was very close that time for ablution, This Temple of Akrur contains along with Akrur Lord Krishna and Balaram, Just at The opposite Surabhi cow is places , Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu visited about five hundred years ago so his फुट इम्प्रेशन also लिए क्लोन to सुरभि अभी काउ ,

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