CHC,Narehada - Narehara

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Contact CHC,Narehada

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Narehara, Rajasthan 303105, India

Postal code : 303105
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Ashutosh Yadav on Google

सुरक्षित और प्रभावी टीकों तक समान पहुंच COVID-19 महामारी को समाप्त करने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है, इसलिए इतने सारे टीकों को साबित करना और विकास में जाना बेहद उत्साहजनक है। डब्ल्यूएचओ सुरक्षित और प्रभावी टीकों के विकास, निर्माण और तैनाती के लिए भागीदारों के साथ अथक प्रयास कर रहा है। सुरक्षित और प्रभावी टीके एक गेम चेंजिंग टूल हैं: लेकिन निकट भविष्य के लिए हमें मास्क पहनना, अपने हाथों की सफाई करना, घर के अंदर अच्छा वेंटिलेशन सुनिश्चित करना, शारीरिक रूप से दूरी बनाना और भीड़ से बचना जारी रखना चाहिए। टीकाकरण होने का मतलब यह नहीं है कि हम हवा में सावधानी बरत सकते हैं और खुद को और दूसरों को जोखिम में डाल सकते हैं, खासकर क्योंकि शोध अभी भी चल रहा है कि टीके न केवल बीमारी के खिलाफ बल्कि संक्रमण और संचरण के खिलाफ भी रक्षा करते हैं। ___________________________________________ Equitable access to safe and effective vaccines is critical to ending the COVID-19 pandemic, so it is hugely encouraging to see so many vaccines proving and going into development. WHO is working tirelessly with partners to develop, manufacture and deploy safe and effective vaccines. Safe and effective vaccines are a game-changing tool: but for the foreseeable future we must continue wearing masks, cleaning our hands, ensuring good ventilation indoors, physically distancing and avoiding crowds. Being vaccinated does not mean that we can throw caution to the wind and put ourselves and others at risk, particularly because research is still ongoing into how much vaccines protect not only against disease but also against infection and transmission ?????????Stay Safe
Equal access to safe and effective vaccines is key to ending the COVID-19 pandemic, so it's encouraging to see so many vaccines proving and going into development. WHO is working tirelessly with partners to develop, manufacture and deploy safe and effective vaccines. Safe and effective vaccines are a game-changing tool: but for the foreseeable future, we must continue to wear masks, sanitize our hands, ensure good ventilation indoors, physically distance ourselves and avoid crowds. Being vaccinated doesn't mean we can throw caution to the wind and put ourselves and others at risk, especially because research is still ongoing showing that vaccines protect not only against disease but also against infection and transmission. We do. ___________________________________________ Equitable access to safe and effective vaccines is critical to ending the COVID-19 pandemic, so it is hugely encouraging to see so many vaccines proving and going into development. WHO is working tirelessly with partners to develop, manufacture and deploy safe and effective vaccines. Safe and effective vaccines are a game-changing tool: but for the foreseeable future we must continue wearing masks, cleaning our hands, ensuring good ventilation indoors, physically distancing and avoiding crowds. Being vaccinated does not mean that we can throw caution to the wind and put ourselves and others at risk, particularly because research is still ongoing into how much vaccines protect not only against disease but also against infection and transmission Stay Safe
jogender singh on Google

Very poor condition of hospital emergency doctor and at all and second thing no positive respond and staff saying that refer to jaipur and no ambulance available for any emergency.

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