Hazrat Sayyid Noor Muhammad Badayuni - New Delhi

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Contact Hazrat Sayyid Noor Muhammad Badayuni

Address :

Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Setu, Nizamuddin West, New Delhi, Delhi 110013, India

Postal code : 110013
Categories :

Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Setu, Nizamuddin West, New Delhi, Delhi 110013, India
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Şeyh Nur Muhammed Bedvani (KS) (?-1722) Hindistan’ın Bedvan şehrindendir. Doğum tarihi bilinmemektedir. Seyyid olup soyu Peygamber Efendimiz’e ulaşır. Boyu orta, rengi esmer, kaşları çatık, sakalı seyrek, ve yüzünde nûr alameti vardı. Huzû’ ve huşûundan dolayı daima gözleri yaşlıydı. 1722 (H.1135) senesinde Delhi’de vefat etmiştir. Türbesi, Hindistan’ın Delhi şehrinin güney tarafında, Nizamüddîn-i Evliya’nın türbesinin batısında olup ziyaret edilmektedir. Mantık, maanî, hadîs, tefsir ilimlerinde asrının yeganesi, hakikat ve ma’rifette ise, zamanının bir tanesiydi. Müşahedet-i Cemal-i ahadiyyet ile onbeş sene mest ve medhûş kalmışlardır. Vera’ ve ittiba-ı sünnette kemal derecesindeydi. Ekmeğini kendi yapar ve kuru olarak yerdi. Dünyaperestlerden ve ehl-i kasvetten ifrad derecede ictinab ederdi. Çok kuvvetli tasarrufata sahipti. Murakabenin çokluğundan beli iki kat olurdu. Mürîdlerine ve sual soranlara gönülden cevap verirdi. Seyyid Nûr Muhammed Bedvanî Hazretleri, ilmini ve feyzini İmam-ı Rabbanî Hazretleri’nin torunu, büyük alim ve mürşid-i kamil Muhammed Seyfüddîn-i Farûkî’den aldı. ayrıca Mirza Hafız Muhsin’den de ilim öğrendi. Seyfüddîn-i Farûkî Hazretleri’nin derslerinde ve sohbetlerinde yetişip icazet aldı. İlimde o kadar yükselmişti ki; sarf, nahiv, mantık, meanî, tefsîr, hadîs ilimlerinde ve tasavvufta zamanının yegane alimi ve rehberi idi. Tasavvuf ehli onunla iftihar etmişlerdir. İnsanlar ondan feyz almak için sohbetine koşmuşlardır.
Sheikh Nur Muhammed Bedwani (KS) (?-1722) He is from Bedwan, India. His date of birth is unknown. He becomes a Sayyid and his descendants reach the Prophet. He was of medium height, dark in color, with frowning eyebrows, a sparse beard, and a sign of light on his face. He always had tears in his eyes because of his peace and awe. He died in Delhi in 1722 (H.1135). His mausoleum is located in the south of Delhi city of India, west of Nizamuddin-i Evliya's mausoleum. He was the only one of his century in the sciences of logic, spirituality, hadith and tafsir, and one of his time in truth and ma'rife. With the Müşahedet-i Cemal-i ahadiyyet, they remained enchanted and adored for fifteen years. Vera' and ittiba-i sunnah were at the level of perfection. He made his own bread and ate it dry. He would exaggerately abstain from worldly people and people of gloom. He had very strong savings. He would have doubled his waist due to the multitude of inspectors. He would answer wholeheartedly to his followers and those who asked questions. Sayyid Nur Muhammed Bedwanî received his knowledge and fayz from the grandson of Imam-i Rabbani, the great scholar and perfect murshid Muhammad Seyfüddin-i Farukî. He also learned knowledge from Mirza Hafiz Muhsin. He was educated in the lectures and conversations of Seyfüddîn-i Farûkî and received his ratification. He was so high in knowledge that; He was the only scholar and guide of his time in the sciences of saraf, syntax, logic, meanî, tafsîr, hadîth and Sufism. The people of Sufism were proud of him. People rushed to his chat to get inspiration from him.
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