Rajasthan India Private Tour By Car & Driver - Jaipur

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Contact Rajasthan India Private Tour By Car & Driver

Address :

66 A, RPA Rd, Pani Pech, Sanjay Colony, Nehru Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302016, India

Phone : 📞 +98987
Postal code : 302016
Categories :

66 A, RPA Rd, Pani Pech, Sanjay Colony, Nehru Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302016, India
jean louis VIGNAUD on Google

Vijay nous a été recommandé par un ami qui avait utilisé ses services à deux reprises en 2007/2009, pour visiter le Rajasthan puis la vallée du Gange et il en avait été extrêmement satisfait. Nous avons donc décidé de renouveler l'expérience et n'avons vraiment pas eu à le regretter. Vijay est une personne intègre, souriante et sérieuse, très au fait des choses incontournables à voir de son pays, capable de vous épauler dans vos choix en s'adaptant à tous vos besoins. Il est à la fois votre chauffeur, votre guide et, comme il aime à le dire, votre garde du corps. Il vous évitera les impondérables, les tracasseries propre à ce genre de voyage, surtout dans un pays comme l'Inde où l'aventure vous guette à chaque pas. Voici ces coordonnées : Rajasthan India Private Tour by car and driver Jaîpur
Vijay was recommended to us by a friend who had used his services twice in 2007/2009, to visit Rajasthan then the Ganges valley and he was extremely satisfied with it. So we decided to repeat the experience and really didn't have to regret it. Vijay is a person of integrity, smiling and serious, very aware of the essential things to see in his country, able to support you in your choices by adapting to all your needs. He is at the same time your driver, your guide and, as he likes to say, your bodyguard. It will avoid the imponderables, the hassles specific to this kind of trip, especially in a country like India where adventure awaits you at every step. Here are these coordinates: Rajasthan India Private Tour by car and driver Jaîpur
Régine Potelon on Google

Nous avons visité le Rajasthan avec Vijay plusieurs semaines après avoir été dans son hôtel tranquille et plein de charme à Jaipur. Plus qu’un chauffeur il a été notre guide et compagnon durant notre séjour. Conduire sur les routes indiennes est une vraie prouesse mais grâce à sa prudence et son fair-play nous n’avions aucunes craintes durant les trajets. Vijay a toujours été à l’heure, prévenant et très discret. Grâce à lui nous avons eu l’occasion de partager des instants magiques dans des endroits populaires. Tous les petits problèmes rencontrés ont été réglés par lui à l’indienne cad avec calme philosophie et respect de l’autre. Quelle belle leçon de vie. Outre l’organisation parfaite,voyager avec Vijay n’est pas seulement une recommandation mais une chance car c’est un homme délicieux qui a fait de notre voyage un souvenir inoubliable. Le rajasthan sans Vijay c’est comme un gâteau sans sucre et j’espere pouvoir renouveler ce séjour. MERCI à toi Vijay tu es dans notre cœur ainsi que ton beau pays
We visited Rajasthan with Vijay several weeks after being in his quiet and charming hotel in Jaipur. More than a driver he was our guide and companion during our stay. Driving on the Indian roads is a real feat but thanks to his prudence and fair play we had no fear during the trips. Vijay has always been on time, considerate and very discreet. Thanks to him we had the opportunity to share magical moments in popular places. All the little problems encountered were settled by him to the Indian cad with calm philosophy and respect of the other. What a beautiful lesson of life. Besides the perfect organization, traveling with Vijay is not only a recommendation but a chance because it is a delicious man who made our trip an unforgettable memory. Rajasthan without Vijay is like a cake without sugar and I hope to be able to renew this stay. THANK YOU to you Vijay you are in our heart as well as your beautiful country
denis westrich on Google

Nous avons fait un circuit de 11 jours avec Vijay comme chauffeur. Il s'est occupe de tout (hotel, guide, voiture...). Cette premiere experience en Inde nous laissera un excellent souvenir. Chaque jour de nouvelles decouvertes culturelles et culinaires ! Vijay est une personne de confiance et ses conseils avises ont ete la cle de ce voyage. L'Inde et ses habitants sont tres accueillants et les echanges avec eux ont ete tres instructifs et enrichissants. Nous avons notamment eu la chance d'accompagner Vijay a un mariage, c'est le choc des cultures et ce fut extraordinaire ! Les sites visites sont tres beaux, en 11 jours on a fait : 2 jours a Jaipur, 1 a Pushkar, 1 a Jodpur, 1 a Ranakpur (safari et on a vu 2 leopards), 2 a udaipur (notre coup de coeur), 1 a Bundi, 1 a jaipur et on a fini en apotheose avec le Taj Mahal a Agra. On ne peut que vous recommander les services de Vijay, chauffeur hors pair ! Nous reviendrons car il y a encore plein de choses a voir.
We did an 11-day tour with Vijay as the driver. He takes care of everything (hotel, guide, car ...). This first experience in India will leave us with an excellent memory. New cultural and culinary discoveries every day! Vijay is a trusted person and his sound advice was the key to this trip. India and its people are very welcoming and the exchanges with them were very informative and enriching. We especially had the chance to accompany Vijay to a wedding, it was a clash of cultures and it was extraordinary! The sites visited are very beautiful, in 11 days we did: 2 days in Jaipur, 1 in Pushkar, 1 in Jodpur, 1 in Ranakpur (safari and we saw 2 leopards), 2 in udaipur (our favorite), 1 in Bundi, 1 in jaipur and we finished in apotheosis with the Taj Mahal in Agra. We can only recommend the services of Vijay, an outstanding driver! We will come back because there is still a lot to see.
Josh P on Google

We used Vijay on our recent tour to Agra (Taj Mahal) and then drove to Jaipur (5 hour drive) and next day were he showed us around in Jaipur. I can highly recommend him, he warns you for the usual tourist traps, makes clear recommendations, speaks very well English and is very dependable and courteous. His slogan is in India your need a good car, good brakes and goodluck and he has all of the above. A spacious air conditioned car that brings were you want to go. Vijay will make a plan with you where you want to go and does not bring you to the tourist traps! Highly recommend use him if you want an quality private tour!
Virginia Lung on Google

My husband and I spent one week in Rajasthan and we were so pleased that Mr Vijay was our driver. He did everything he could to ensure we had the best time and ensured our safety was paramount. We shared conversations, local knowledge and many jokes during the of long road trips. We also rested and slept well during the car journeys when needed. I would highly recommend Mr Vijay's car service to my family and friends.
Francois Matter on Google

We made a dream tour in Rajasthan during 2 weeks with Vijay who is more than a driver or a guide : he's a friend. It's the third time that our family travel with him. Everything and everyday were perfect. He's a very good and careful driver and the car was very confortable which is important for the long distances. He booked the hotels for us and it was always a good surprise. His hotel in Jaipur, Baba Haveli, is quiet and nice. Our travel thanks to Vijay was marvelous, we think often of it and we wish to return in Jaipur. We won't conceive a trip in Rajasthan without Vijay. A warm thanks Mr Vijay ! Marie-Paule and François.
suzanne reeves on Google

Mr Vijay was in every way the perfect person to accompany us on our 9-day tour of Rajasthan. Indian roads can be tiring but his safe and secure driving made sure that we were relaxed and comfortable at all times. He was always on time and greeted us with a smile and advice on how best to enjoy the day. He helped us in so many ways, advising us on how to avoid the many tourist traps and also adding local information on where best to eat and some nice places to stay. The car was great, comfortable and we had the added bonus of Wifi while driving. It was very important that our holiday plans were flexible and our trip would not have been the same without My Vijay. It was perfect in every way. We met Mr Vijay as clients but parted as friends.
victor westrich on Google

Wir haben 12 Tage mit Vijay verbringen, das war prima. Alle seine Ratschlage waren gut. Sehr schonen Sehenswürdigkeiten und das essen war auch sehr gut. Ich empfehle diesen Leitfaden. Our family (2 adults and two children of 16 and 19 years old) had an amazing experience in India. We did an 11 days tour of Rajasthan (Jaipur, Pushkar, Jodhpur, Ranakpur, Udaipur, Bundi, Jaipur, Agra, New Delhi) with a wonderful driver (essential given the frequentation of the roads). He took care of everything including booking of the hotels, of a comfortable car, of the guides when needed at the different places. He gave us a lot of nice advises, warnings and so on. During the long travel times, we spoke a lot about the Indian traditions and ways of life which was also very interesting and complementary to the beautiful palaces and temples that we visited. The food was also very good… Our trip would not have been so successful without Vijay. I recommend Vijay if you want to discover Rajasthan. He was always listening to our desires and doing his best. During the trip he suggested a safari to see leopards that was not planned and also invited us to an Indian wedding which was a very nice opportunity.

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