Shubham Nursing Home - Nagpur

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Shubham Nursing Home

Address :

Katol Road, Chhaoni Rd, Byramji Town, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440013, India

Phone : 📞 +99898
Postal code : 440013
Website :
Opening hours :
Tuesday 8AM–10PM
Wednesday 8AM–10PM
Thursday 8AM–10PM
Friday 8AM–10PM
Saturday 8AM–10PM
Sunday 8AM–10PM
Monday 8AM–10PM
Categories :

Katol Road, Chhaoni Rd, Byramji Town, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440013, India
DJ Bhola Yadav on Google

Aachha hai
Aachha hai
Shankar Bonde on Google

मी नागपूर चा रहिवासी असून मला काही दिवसांपूर्वी भगदर fistula हा आजार झाला होता . त्या नंतर मी नागपूर मधील चांगल्या डॉक्टर शोधत असताना मला एफ एम वर शुभम नर्सिंग होम ची जाहिरात बघून तिथे गेलो .डॉक्टरांनी सांगितले तुमचे लेझर पद्धतीने ऑपरेशन करून देतो . तुम्हाला काहीच त्रास होणार नाही व तुम्ही लवकरच duty जॉईन करू शकता .त्यानंतर मी ऑपरेशन केलं व चाळीस हजार रुपये फी भरली .परंतु ऑपरेशन नंतर आधी पेक्षा खूप त्रास सुरू झाला. नंतर दुसऱ्या हॉस्पिटल मध्ये चेक केले असता त्यांनी सांगितले की माझ त्यांनी लेझर ऑपरेशन न करता खुल्या पद्धतीची ऑपरेशन केलं असून ते पण अर्धवटच केलं आहे. त्या ऑपरेशन चे फोटो मी खाली टाकले आहेत . त्यानंतर मी दुसऱ्या हॉस्पिटल मध्ये परत ऑपरेशन करून घेतले. व नंतर मला खूप कमी त्रास झाला. मित्रानो तुम्हाला एक आणखी सांगायचं आहे आपण डॉक्टर विरुद्ध पोलीस स्टेशन किंवा न्यायालयात केस नाही जिंकू शकत परंतु आपलं शरीर जे की आपल्याला एकदाच मिळते त्याकडे दुर्लक्ष न करता योग्य डॉक्टरांकडे उपचार घ्या . मी जर आधीच योग्य डॉक्टरांकडे गेलो असतो तर माझा वेळेत उपचार होऊन duty जॉईन केली असती. परंतु मी ऑनलाईन रिव्ह्यू बघून व एफ.एम.वर येणारी जाहिरात बघून शुभम नर्सिंग होम छावणी सदर नागपूर तिथे गेलो व मला फसवले गेले. माझ्या सारख्याच दुसऱ्या तीन चार पेशंट ला मी त्यांचे अनुभव विचारले परंतु शुभम नर्सिंग होम मध्ये उपचार घेणार कोणीही समाधानी दिसलं नाही.तुमचीही अशी फसवणूक होऊ नये म्हणून ही पोस्ट टाकली आहे.हिला जेवढं होईल तेवढं शेअर करा व तुमची फसवणूक होण्यापासून वाचा. कारण आपल्याला आजाराबद्दल काहीच माहिती नसते . आपण डॉक्टरांना देव समजून तिथे जातो परंतु आज काल चे काही डॉक्टर आपल्याला पैशांसाठी फसवतात. शुभम नर्सिंग होम येथे न जाता दुसऱ्या कोणत्याही चांगल्या हॉस्पिटल मध्ये उपचार घ्या धन्यवाद.
I am a resident of Nagpur and I was diagnosed with fistula a few days back. After that, while looking for a good doctor in Nagpur, I saw the advertisement of Shubham Nursing Home on FM and went there. The doctor told me to perform your laser operation You will not have any problem and you will be able to join the duty soon. After that I did the operation and paid the fee of forty thousand rupees. But after the operation more trouble started than before. Later, when he was checked in another hospital, he said that he had performed an open method operation without laser operation, but he had done it only partially. I have posted the photos of that operation below. I then underwent surgery at another hospital. And then I had very little trouble. Friends, I would like to tell you one more thing, you cannot win a case against a doctor in a police station or in a court of law, but treat your body to the right doctor, regardless of what you get once. If I had already gone to the right doctor, I would have been treated in time and joined duty. But after seeing the online reviews and the advertisements on FM, I went to Shubham Nursing Home Camp Sadar in Nagpur and was deceived. I asked three or four other patients like me about their experiences but no one seemed to be satisfied with the treatment at Shubham Nursing Home. Because we know nothing about the disease. We go there thinking doctors are gods but some doctors of today cheat us for money. Get treatment in any other good hospital without going to Shubham Nursing Home. Thank you.
Rupesh Kuduple on Google

Shrawan Chourasia on Google

This is an wrong place. I have strayed and after one hour i managed to find the right shubam nursing home
Vipul Thawre on Google

The doctor is very rude ? , my mom was admitted there, but he didn't treat her properly and Miss behaved
codes user on Google

Focus Lab took a unique and very cool-looking design approach to its testimonial page -- which is fitting, seeing as its trade is in creating visual branding systems. Again, it's technically a visual catalog of both previous projects and works-in-progress, but instead of just listing out client quotes, the page opts for a card-like design with interactive, rectangular elements you can click on to see the full case study -- with quotes occasionally appearing in-between. What's even cooler is what's included in each individual case study. Not only does FocusLab cover the challenges faced by clients and how FocusLab helped solve them, but the case studies also include some of the steps in the design process between conception and final product. In some instances, they included the evolution of the logo during the design process.
sagar kallamwar on Google

Most Advance Facilities this Hospital. Doctor is good .
Khalid Khan on Google

It was very nice experience with the doctor and the staff. Very helpful in nature.

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