Prashant Damle's T-School - Pune

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Contact Prashant Damle's T-School

Address :

1st floor, Heritage Art Gallery Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Auditorium, Ghole Rd, Sumukh Society, Shivajinagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411005, India

Phone : 📞 +998877
Postal code : 411005
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Tuesday 9AM–9PM
Wednesday 9AM–9PM
Thursday 9AM–9PM
Friday 9AM–9PM
Saturday 9AM–9PM
Sunday 9AM–9PM
Monday 9AM–9PM
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Rupesh Khare on Google

नमस्कार ????? मी रुपेश खरे . T School बद्दल जेवढं बोलावं तेवढं कमीच आहे माझ्यासाठी . मुळात T school ने मला जे काही दिलंय ते खूप आहे . मी T school चा २० batch चा विद्यार्थी आहे. २०१७ च्या ending ला मी T school हे join केलं . मुळात ग्रामीण भागातला असल्यामुळे अभिनय करतांना कुठल्या कुठल्या गोष्टी ह्या महत्त्वाच्या असतात., उदा: भाषा , तुमचे उच्चार , तुमचा आवाज इत्यादी. हे मी तिथे शिकलो . T school हे एक अभिनयाचं विद्यापीठ आहे हे म्हणायला हरकत नाही . आमच्या T school मध्ये अभिनय या बरोबर गाणं , नृत्य याचे ही प्रशिक्षण देण्यात येते . T school मध्ये एक नट कसा असावा त्याच बरोबरीने रंगमंचावरील वावर हा कसा असावा याचे उत्तम प्रशिक्षण T school ने मला दिले. माझ्या भाषेवर काम करून घेण्यात आले . वेग वेगळ्या पद्धीची पात्र ही मी T school मध्ये जगायला आणि अनुभवायला शिकलो. मला *श्री. प्रशांत दामले* यांचा विद्यार्थी म्हणून घ्यायला खूप खूप गर्व वाटतो. कारण आज या कला क्षेत्रात मी जी काही छोटी - मोठी कामे करतोय ते फक्त आणि फक्त T school मुळे . T school ने मला एक कलाकार म्हणून नवीन ओळख निर्माण करून दिली आहे. प्रशांत दामले सरांनी माझ्यावर विश्वास ठेऊन मला त्यांच्यासोबत काम करण्याची संधी उपलब्ध करून दिली . आणि मी आज एका व्यावसायिक नाटकाचा भाग आहे . आमच्या T school मध्ये शिस्त , वक्तशीपणा याची जाण असणारे आमचे सर्व शिक्षक वृंद यांचा ही मी खूप आभारी आहे . त्यासाठी मी श्री. अजिंक्य भोसले सर , श्री . अजित विसपुते सर , श्री. आदित्य गुरुनाथ सर , आमच्या T school च्या Co - Ordinator सौ. वर्षा इनामदार यांचा ही मी खूप खूप आभारी आहे ?????. अभिनयाचं उत्तम प्रशिक्षण देणारी महाराष्ट्रातील ही एकमेव नाट्य संस्था आहे . जिथे कलाकार हे घडिविले जातात. आणि या संस्थेत मी शिकलोय याचा मला अभिमान आहे ?.... माझ्यातला कलाकार हा T school ने जगवला आणि त्याला योग्य मार्गदर्शन देऊन या कला क्षेत्राचा एक अविभाज्य घटक , अंग बनण्याची संधी मला मिळवून दिली त्यासाठी मी श्री. प्रशांत दामले T school चा खूप खूप मनापासून आभारी आहे. ?????
Hello 3 I am Rupesh Khare. For me, there is very little to say about T School. Basically, what T school has given me is a lot. I am a student of 20 batch of T school. At the end of 2017, I joined T school. Originally from a rural area, there are some things that are important while acting, such as language, your pronunciation, your voice, etc. That's what I learned there. It is safe to say that T school is an acting university. In our T school, along with acting, this training of singing and dancing is also given. T school gave me the best training on how to be a nut in t school as well as how to be on stage. Work was done on my language. I learned to live and experience a different kind of character in T school. I have * Mr. I am very proud to take Prashant Damle * as a student. Because all the small and big works that I do in this field of art today are only because of T school. T school has given me a new identity as an artist. Sir Prashant Damle trusted me and gave me the opportunity to work with him. And I'm part of a commercial drama today. I am very thankful to all our teachers who are aware of discipline and punctuality in our school. For that, I asked Shri. Ajinkya Bhosale Sir, Shri. Ajit Vispute Sir, Shri. Mrs. Aditya Gurunath, Co-ordinator of our T school. I am very thankful to Varsha Inamdar. It is the only drama institute in Maharashtra which provides excellent training in acting. Where artists are crafted. And I am proud to have learned in this institute ? .... The artist in me was brought to life by T School and by giving him proper guidance, he gave me the opportunity to become an integral part of this art field. Thank you very much Prashant Damle T school. 3
Priya Karkamkar on Google

नमस्कार, मी प्रिया करकमकर. मी tschool ची २२ व्या बॅच ची विद्यार्थिनी आहे. आणि आत्ता मी प्रशांत दामले फॅन फाउंडेशन आणि गौरी थिएटर निर्मीत "तू म्हणशील तसं" या नाटकात काम करतेय. या सगळ्याच श्रेय मी tschool ला देते. Tschool चे सगळे फॅकल्टी आणि प्रशांत दामले सर यांच्यामुळे हे शक्क्य झालं. Tschool बद्दल सांगायचं झालं तर सगळ्यात महत्त्वाचं इथे कोणतीही fake promises दिली जात नाहीत. 'ऍडमिशन घ्या, आम्ही तुम्हाला काम देऊ'अस इथे नाहीये, तर इंडस्ट्री मध्ये काम करण्यासाठी जे लागतं ते इथे शिकवल जातं आणि तो आत्मविश्वास इथे दिला जातो. Tschool मध्ये acting, singing आणि dancing या तीनही गोष्टी शिकवल्या जातात. Acting करताना सिंगिंग आणि डान्सिंग ची कशी मदत होऊ शकते हे मला tschool ला आल्या नंतर च समजलं.खूप गोष्टी मला tschool मुळे समजल्या, त्या शिकता आल्या. १. डायलॉग बोलत असताना त्यातही गाण्याप्रमाने सुर, पट्टी या गोष्टी असतात आणि त्याचा योग्य वापर केला तर ॲक्ट एकसुरी न होता उत्तम होऊ शकतो हे मला समजले. २. तसच बोलताना, चालताना त्याप्रमाणे हातवारे होणं, त्यात एक लय असणं, सुसूत्रता असणं या गोष्टी डान्स शिकवल्या मुळे सोप्या गेल्या. ३. Acting मध्ये देखील इथे बेसिक गोष्टींवर मेहेनत करून घेतली गेली. ही स्क्रिप्ट आणि आता बोला असा प्रकार इथे अजिबात नव्हता. सर्व स्टुडंट्स कडून भाषा शुद्ध होण्यासाठी चे श्लोक म्हणून घेतले गेले, वाचन घेतल गेलं, ओंकर आणि आवाजाचे वेगळे व्यायाम करून घेतले गेले, नवरसांवर काम करून घेतल गेलं, team bonding साठी अनेक game घेतले गेले. आणि नंतर actual स्क्रिप्ट वरती फोकस केला गेला. जे मला खूप उपयोगी ठरलं. ४. गाण्या मध्ये देखील इथे रोज प्रॅक्टिस घेतली गेली. आम्हाला माईक हाताळता आला. त्यामुळे त्याचं technique समजल. गाणं नुसता गायच नसतं तर ते परफॉर्म ही करता यायला हवं हे ही मला tschool मुळे च समजल. अनेक प्रकारची गाणी गाता आली, अगदी लोकगीत, रोमँटिक हिंदी गीत, पंजाबी भांगडा, देशभक्तीपर गीत, भक्तीगीत हे सगळे च प्रकार गाता आले, शिकता आले. ५. डान्स मुळे एनर्जी कुठे कशी save करायची कुठे वापरायची हे समजलं. हालचालींमध्ये एक quickness येत गेला. आणि अक्टिंग मध्ये त्याचं उपयोग करता आला. ६. एकूण वातावरण खूप छान provide केलं गेलं. आमच्या सोबत काही स्कॉलरशिप स्टुडंट्स देखील include केले गेले त्यांनी आम्हाला बरीच मदत केली. पाठांतर असेल, एकमेकांना support करणं असेल, ॲक्ट मध्ये अगदी काही सेकंदात आवरायचं असेल तर drepary changing पासून सगळ्या कामात त्यांनी आम्हाला मदत केली. आणि आज त्यापैकी आम्ही अनेक स्टुडंट्स मित्र परिवार आहोत व एकत्रित रित्या कामही करत आहोत. ७. सगळ्यात महत्त्वाचं म्हणजे प्रशांत दामले सरांकडून मला शिकता आल. त्यांनी आम्हाला सगळ्यांनाच खूप बारीक बारीक गोष्टी शिकवल्या, ज्या इंडस्ट्री मध्ये काम करताना आज खूप उपयोगी ठरत आहेत. उदा. - * आवाज मोठ्ठा लावला पाहिजे. शेवटच्या रांगेपर्यंत आवाज पोहोचला पाहिजे. * डोळ्यांचा वापर करता यायला हवा. * आपल्या co- actor साठी काम करायचा असत. * टीम मध्ये काम करताना एकमेकांच्या चुका लपवता यायला हव्या, संभाळून घेता यायला हव्या म्हणजे टीम उत्तम रित्या पुढे जाते. * उत्तम रिॲक्ट होतो तो उत्तम नट असतो. म्हणून च रोले किती छोटा मोठा याकडे न बघता त्यात आपण कसे रिऍक्ट होतो हे महत्त्वाचं. * वेळेची शिस्त पाळायला हवी. कायम वेळेत पोहोचायला हवं. अश्या एक ना अनेक गोष्टी दामले सरांकडून शिकायला मिळाल्या. त्यांच्या बिझी schedule मधून देखील ते वेळ काढून आम्हाला शिकवायला आले आणि ना थकता अत्यंत patiently आम्हाला सगळ्यांना शिकवलं. वेळोवेळी गाईड केलं. आमच्या सारख्या नवीन मुलांना बालगंधर्व, यशवंतराव चव्हाण नाट्यागृह सारख्या मंचावर काम करता आल. या सगळ्याच गोष्टींसाठी मी tschool चे तीनही फॅकल्टी अजिंक्य भोसले, अजित विसपुते, आदित्य गुरुनाथ, co-ordinater मॅडम वर्षा इनामदार आणि प्रशांत दामले सर यांची कायम ऋणी राहीन.?????
Hello I am Priya Karkamkar. I am a 22nd batch student of tschool. And now I am working on the play "Tu Mhanshil Tasan" produced by Prashant Damle Fan Foundation and Gauri Theater. I give all this credit to tschool. This was made possible by all the faculty of Tschool and Prashant Damle Sir. As for Tschool, most importantly, no fake promises are made here. It is not a matter of 'take admission, we will give you a job', it is what is required to work in the industry, it is taught here and that confidence is given here. Acting, singing and dancing are taught in Tschool. It was only after I came to tschool that I came to understand how singing and dancing can help while acting. 1. While speaking the dialogue, it also has the same melody and strip as the song and if it is used properly, the act can be better without being monotonous. 2. Also, speaking, walking, gestures like that, having a rhythm in it, having harmony, these things became easier due to teaching dance. 3. Even in acting, the basics were worked out here. There was no such thing as a script and now speak. The verses were taken from all the students to purify the language, reading was done, separate exercises of onkar and voice were done, work was done on the bridegroom, many games were taken for team bonding. And then the focus was on the actual script. Which was very helpful to me. 4. Even in songs, daily practice was taken here. We were able to handle the mic. So understand his technique. The tschool helped me to understand that I should not just sing a song but also perform it. Many types of songs were sung, even folk songs, romantic Hindi songs, Punjabi bhangra, patriotic songs, devotional songs were all sung and learned. 5. Dance helped us understand how to save energy and how to use it. There was a quickness in the movements. And it could be used in acting. 6. The overall atmosphere was very nicely provided. We also included some scholarship students who helped us a lot. They helped us in everything from drepary changing, whether it was rehearsals, supporting each other, covering the act in just a few seconds. And today many of them are students, friends and family and we are also working together. 7. Most importantly, I was able to learn from Prashant Damle. They taught us all the finer things that are very useful in working in the industry today. E.g. - * The volume should be loud. The sound should reach the last row. * Eyes should be able to use. * Wanted to work for your co-actor. * When working in a team, you should be able to hide each other's mistakes, you should be able to take care of them so that the team moves forward perfectly. * The best react is the best nut. So it doesn't matter how big or small the role is, how you react is important. * Time discipline should be followed. Must be delivered on time. I got to learn one or more such things from Damle Saran. He took time out of his busy schedule to teach us and taught us all patiently. Guided from time to time. New kids like us were able to work on stages like Balgandharva, Yashwantrao Chavan Natyagriha. I am forever indebted to all the three faculties of tschool Ajinkya Bhosale, Ajit Vispute, Aditya Gurunath, co-ordinator Madam Varsha Inamdar and Prashant Damle Sir for all this.
Rutwij Kulkarni on Google

It is the Best Place to learn Acting. All the faculties look after every student with utmost care. Prashant Damle Sir works on every student individually and builds the confidence to perform on a Commercial Stage.
Pranav Pimpalkar on Google

One of the Great Acting Institute this is you get to learn alot of things not only acting but other Values as well.Prashant Damle Sir Himself teaches so us how to perform so that's very fun to learn from an experience actor❤❤
Amruta Mendhe on Google

It's an amazing place for those who wish to learn acting in depth & you will also get to learn dancing , singing from basic. Most importantly you will get to know how to work as a professional artist.T-School gives us a platform to showcase our talent. This is best thing. So, it's like come, learn & grab the opportunity to showcase your talent.
Purva Bhide on Google

Hello! My name is Purva Bhide and I am T School’s 22 Batch student.Unlike everyone even I wanted to be n artist which has quality and vision while working on Stage and T School became one of the Path breaking Milestones in my Career! We had a 3 months batch in which we learnt Acting,Dance and Singing..we had a experience of Commercial setup for Theatre and also we had a camera session which helped in getting comfortable in front of Camera..All n all it was a experience of life and once in a lifetime opportunity to learn from the “Comedy King” Prashant Damle himself.Thank You T school!!
Omkar K S on Google

It's very bad experience in T-school. I join this class because of Mr. Damle name. They are unprofessional, they have no time management. There are groupism in Class and faculty only focus on few students. When I inquiry about the class they told that they focus on individuals, they can manage time if you are working person. But when you enter into the class you will understand that what ever they promise to you all are fake. As per there flexibility they call students on any Time. They have no proper management related to sessions. They are not organized. If you personally meet to the Faculty and told about the problems like Groupism and unnecessary attention to the few student, they just only listen to you and then they Ignore you during the entire class. Also, they target you because you pin point to them. Also, they call previous batch students to perform. I do not understand why they are doing such things. If you have already 30 people in class why you focus on previous batch students? What you are exactly doing, you running educational institute or any factory? only produce of dozen people without proper education. They are not given equal weightage to the students. If you are Joining this T-School Because in the Name of Mr. Damle. Then you are in wrong path. He only attained class for 3 to 4 days. About faculty, the Dance faculty behavior is not good. Singing faculty doing partiality. They are running a business. They rapidly take batches every 3 months. In class there are total 30 people. No equal treatment, no management, no discipline, bad behavior of faculty, groupism, unnecessary attention to few students, only glamour, not focus on right education.

If you want to do career in acting and want to learn acting, music and dance under one roof I think this is the best theatre school in Maharshtra where each and every faculty is best in his genre & teach you every basic aspect of theatre. Especially along with the faculties Prashant Damle sir himself gives you guidence in this workshop. Under his personal guidance you learn so many things that you will not initially. One more very important benefit of taking admission in school that they don't only teach you for 3 months but if you have a good calibre if you are showing improvements in the period of three months they also gives your scholarship for one year in which you are allowed to participate in their programs and activities. In short you get an opportunity to work with tschool & Prashant Damle sir which obviously gives you a big chance to grow & improve yourself for further journey. I really thank Tschool for giving me this Confidence to work in this industry. Its Prashant Damle sir & his whole team who are really helping genuine students to grow & imporove themselves..

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