Qutab Minar - New Delhi

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Contact Qutab Minar

Address :

Qutab Minar Metro Station, Mittal Garden, Sainik Farm, New Delhi, Delhi 110030, India

Postal code : 110030
Website : http://www.delhimetrorail.com/
Categories :

Qutab Minar Metro Station, Mittal Garden, Sainik Farm, New Delhi, Delhi 110030, India

A very nice place and very old historical monument of Delhi. You can get tickets for person online and offline as well. For online you found a board where you have to scan QR code to book tickets . For offline you have to go to the ticket counter get the ticket there . For adult ticket price is 35 rupees.(Indian) It is 2 km away from Metro Station. You reach there to get local Rickshaw .
Altap Shaikh on Google

The grand Sultanate era monument...it is one of the jewels in the Delhi's crown... Mehroli iron pillar stands unrusted for more than a thousand years.... wheelchair access ..
saeed vlog on Google

Qutab minar this is one of the best historical place in the world and One of the most famous Historical place in Delhi. You can see this glorious monument from air Qutb Ud-Din-Aibak , founder of the Delhi Sultanate , started construction of the Qutub Minar's first storey around 1192. In 1220, Aibak's successor and son-in-law Iltutmish completed a further three storeys. In 1369, a lightning strike destroyed the top storey. Firoz Shah Tughlaq replaced the damaged storey, and added one more. The Minar is surrounded by several historically significant monuments of the Qutb complex, including Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque , which was built at the same time as the Minar, and the much older Iron Pillar of Delhi this piller is never iron rusts
Anshuman Shukla on Google

Qutab Minar is a soaring, 73 m-high tower of victory, built in 1193 by Qutab-ud-din Aibak immediately after the defeat of Delhi's last Hindu kingdom. An inscription over its eastern gate provocatively informs that it was built with material obtained from demolishing '27 Hindu temples'. A 7 m-high iron pillar stands in the courtyard of the mosque. The Nearest Metro Station is Qutab Minar and it Open All days. The Entry Fee Rs 40 for Indians, Rs 600 For foreigners.
Prakash on Google

The Qutub Minar is a towering 73 meter high tower built by Qutub-ud-Din Aibak in 1193. The tower was built to celebrate Muslim dominance in Delhi after the defeat of Delhi's last Hindu ruler. This tower is the highest tower in India, complete with five storeys and projecting balconies.
mansi gupta on Google

Centered in the heart of Delhi, The Qutub Minar is a tall, architecturally beautiful and historically one of the most significant monuments in India. The Minar or Qutub complex per se has a tremendous importance in the sense that it was from here that history of India completely changed and entered into its medieval Islamic phase that altered the course of the country’s destiny and future for all times to come. The Qutub Minar, although one of the largest minarets in India made from the rubble of sandstone, essentially signifies the triumph of Islam over Northern India. After the victory of the forces of Mohammed Ghori by his able general Qutubuddin Aibak, over the last Hindu Kingdom of Northern India-the Chauhans- the foundation of Delhi Sultante was laid. To commemorate the spectacular feat, Qutubuddin Aibak commissioned the construction of Qutub Minar, which would symbolize the victory. The famous Lal Kot area of the compound was attacked and approximately 27 Hindu and Jain Temples were destroyed and their icons defaced to construct the giant Quwwat-Ul-Islam mosque. The construction of the Minar was started in 1199 A.D. However, only the first storey of the minaret could be constructed when Qutubuddin Aibak died in an accident, falling from his horse, while playing polo. His successor Iltutmash was a kind ruler and thereafter he finished three more stories of the tower. But in the year 1369, a powerful lightning struck Qutub Minar, destroying it completely. After this unfortunate incident, the restoration work was carried out by Sultan Firuz Shah Tuqhlaq who added two more stories to it. The Minar now has 5 stories, each with its own unique design. Being a major tourist spot, it attracts approximately 3.9 million people every year. In later part of the Delhi Sultunate, more structures were added to the Qutub Complex including Sultan Alauddin Khilji’s Tomb and a madrasa, The Alai Darwaza, Tomb of Iltutmish, Alai Minar. The Iron pillar, which however also being the part of the complex is an earlier structure.
Ataullah Shareef on Google

The Qutub Minar, also spelled as Qutb Minar and Qutab Minar, is a minaret and "victory tower" that forms part of the Qutb complex. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Mehrauli area of South Delhi, India.It is one of most visited tourist spots in the city due to it being one of the earliest that survives in the Indian subcontinent Visited today.
ashutosh tiwari on Google

The Qutub Minar, also spelled as Qutb Minar and Qutab Minar, is a minaret and "victory tower" that forms part of the Qutb complex. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Mehrauli area of South Delhi, India.It is one of most visited tourist spots in the city due to it being one of the earliest that survives in the Indian subcontinent. It can be compared to the 62-metre all-brick Minaret of Jam in Afghanistan, of c. 1190, which was constructed a decade or so before the probable start of the Delhi tower.The surfaces of both are elaborately decorated with inscriptions and geometric patterns. The Qutb Minar has a shaft that is fluted with "superb stalactite bracketing under the balconies" at the top of each stage.In general, minarets were slow to be used in India and are often detached from the main mosque where they exist Pesrian-Arabic and Nagari in different sections of the Qutb Minar reveal the history of its construction and the later restorations and repairs by Firoz Shah Tughluq (1351–88) and Sikandar Lodi (1489–1517). The height of Qutb Minar is 72.5 meters, making it the tallest minaret in the world built of bricks.The tower tapers, and has a 14.3 metres (47 feet) base diameter, reducing to 2.7 metres (9 feet) at the top of the peak.It contains a spiral staircase of 379 steps The whole tower contains a spiral staircase of 379 steps.[13] At the foot of the tower is the Quwat Ul Islam Mosque. The Minar tilts just over 65 cm from the vertical, which is considered to be within safe limits. Qutb Minar was an inspiration and prototype for many minarets and towers built. The Chand Minar and Mini Qutub Minar bear resemblance to the Qutb Minar and inspired from it.

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